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PCO Tyrol Congress

Customised congress organisation since 1993.

For over 30 years, PCO Tyrol Congress has perfectly complemented Congress Messe Innsbruck’s service offering. As a competent, internationally renowned and well-established team, we see ourselves as your reliable partner for congress organisation and project management.

Whether it is for an event in Innsbruck, London or Berlin, whether we provide a core PCO or local PCO, PCO Tyrol Congress’ range of services covers all congress and conference organisation tasks. From the initial concept to budgeting, planning, participant registration and administration of the scientific programme with a call for papers and abstract management, through to technical planning and organisation of the supporting programme: we provide you with customised services for congresses and conferences of all sizes on an scale.

As a full-service congress agency and an experienced partner that knows how to talk your language, we bring our wealth of international experience and expertise. We are there for our customers every step of the way and support them through the quality, specialism, reliability and transparency of our services from the initial concept right through to successful implementation.


  • Personalised planning and customised conference organisation
  • Professionalism
  • Full service: from planning and budgeting to implementation and final invoicing
  • Service-oriented consulting, support, expertise and interaction on an equal footing
  • Effective coordination through careful prioritisation of activities
  • Transparent and clear communication
  • Solution-based processes and comprehensible structures
  • Member of the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO)

Our portfolio

The services provided by PCO Tyrol Congress cover the entire spectrum of congress organisation: from the initial concept to the planning phase and implementation right through to final invoicing. Our expertise includes organising in-person congresses and, on request, we can also advise you on how to run hybrid or virtual events.

Congress management

From the initial planning steps to the final billing, organising a scientific congress requires perfectly executed interaction and cooperation of all parties involved. Project planning is the foundation for this, as it covers all the key milestones and responsibilities included within the required schedule.

The agreed project plan is a tried-and-tested tool for ensuring smooth collaboration between all participants. Other cornerstones of project management include budgeting and control to make sure there is no budget creep. We liaise with all partners, coordinating all aspects and ensuring that all processes and tasks run smoothly over the course of the project.

  • Professional consulting and itinerary planning
  • Designing the concept for the event
  • Budgeting and controlling
  • Financial management/congress accounting
  • Venue management: space and technology planning, price and contract negotiations, signage
  • Requesting quotes for third-party services
  • Hotel planning and booking a sufficient number of rooms
  • Creating the congress website
  • Calls for papers
  • Abstract management
  • Communication with speakers
  • Participant registration
  • Creating any print documents or programming the app for use at a paperless congress
  • Staff hire planning and staff briefings
  • Coordinating all suppliers
  • Catering planning and organisation
  • Creating a detailed event schedule and itinerary,
  • etc.

We use internationally established, secure congress software for all aspects of planning and participant registration: from programming the online registration portal to setting up and managing the registration desk and issuing personalised documents and badges. For example, observance of compliance guidelines and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an essential aspect of software programming during registration.

  • Programming of online registration with all fees, registration for supporting programmes, workshops, etc.
  • Administration of the congress account with confirmation of payments and dunning (fees are collected in the name and on account of the organiser)
  • Processing of credit card payments
  • Control and processing of incoming registrations
  • Sending confirmation letters and invoices
  • Correspondence with participants regarding questions, special requests and booking changes
  • Layout and printing of name tags
  • Preparing all congress documents (name tags, invoices, vouchers, confirmations of participation, invitations, etc.)
  • Set-up and support for the on-site registration desk, collection of outstanding fees
  • Processing new registrations and issuing documents involving trained staff
  • Follow-up with participant lists and statistics
  • Final settlement of the congress account in the form of an income and expenditure account,
  • etc.

If you so wish, we will be happy to handle all correspondence with your speakers. As soon as they confirm their participation and have finalised the title of their presentation, you can reply on us to take care of all further correspondence and administrative processing, including hotel reservations, on the basis of a list containing all the relevant details and addresses of the speakers.

  • Confirming the invitation and the title of the presentation
  • Reserving a sufficient number of rooms at the Headquarter Hotel
  • Keeping speakers up-to-date on hotel reservations, reimbursement of travel expenses, fees, if applicable
  • Confirming the presentations and hotel reservations
  • Information about technical details (media desk, etc.)
  • Preparing travel expense forms, fee notes, hotel vouchers, etc.
  • Registration of speakers and payment of travel expenses on site or after the congress by bank transfer
  • Listing all costs for the final invoice,
  • etc.

Our in-house graphics department will help you come up with a theme and create a concept – if you don’t already have one in mind – and will produce a variety of advertising materials, as well as websites or apps. Our services range from graphics and design to content production and coordinating rounds of revisions through to print monitoring. We can even dispatch the forms for you on request.

Advertising material and forms that we produce for you in-house:

  • Programmes
  • Name tags
  • Signs, flags, banners, etc., for eye-catching branding at the venue
  • Handouts
  • Give-aways
  • Banners
  • Panel signs
  • Signposts
  • Registration screens,
  • etc.

A dedicated congress website is an important, absolutely essential information portal for participants and exhibiting companies. A good website will promote your event and enhance your corporate image. We work in close consultation with you to develop and maintain your website, ensuring that all your needs and ideas are taken into account. This ensures that participants and sponsors receive all the information they need, as well as ongoing updates to get them ready for the event.

  • Registration of your desired domain
  • Designing the concept for your congress website (graphics and content)
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates to the website,
  • etc.

One of the key aspects of organising a scientific congress is putting together the scientific programme. This has to cover all the relevant topics, the featured speakers and the selection of free papers and posters. PCO Tyrol Congress’ mission is to relieve you of the administrative burden when it comes to presentation posters and abstract management as well as simplifying and ensuring smooth running of the submission and evaluation process.

  • Drafting the abstract guidelines and setting up the submission process in consultation with you
  • Programming the online submission and reviewing portal
  • Recording and verifying submitted abstracts’ compliance with formal criteria
  • Checking for duplicate submissions
  • Corresponding with the authors
  • Notifying the authors that abstracts have been received
  • Forwarding abstracts to the Scientific Committee or programming a reviewing portal in consultation with you
  • Recording the evaluation and notifying the authors whether the abstract has been accepted or rejected
  • Recording the allocation to the respective sessions
  • Liaising with authors regarding presentation times, technical equipment and organisational information
  • Arranging provision of the technical equipment
  • Preparing abstracts for printing in the abstract volume,
  • etc.

Evening events provide participants with further networking opportunities. Whether you prefer an elegant setting for a sit-down dinner or a more informal get-together, we will be happy to plan and organise the evening and side events for your congress, taking your needs, wishes and ideas into account.

  • Requesting quotes from third-party service providers
  • Price negotiations
  • Invitation management,
  • etc.

In recent years, we have expanded our service portfolio to include digital components, so we can offer our customers hybrid and, if necessary, virtual congress formats in addition to classic in-person congress options. PCO Tyrol Congress has a wealth of experience in planning and running paperless congresses. Our team has all the technical skills and knowledge needed to fulfil this requirement. We will be happy to provide you with consulting on this area.

  • Consulting and concept development for optimal implementation of digital events (virtual or hybrid)
  • Providing a virtual congress platform with a range of innovative features to ensure participants engage to the fullest possible extent (Q&A, meeting hub, video chat, digital poster exhibition, digital industry exhibition, etc.)
  • Option to use on-demand content for the digital congress after the event
  • Graphics, image editing, video editing, live streaming
  • Creating a detailed event schedule and itinerary, monitoring, technical support and live support during the event, statistical analysis,
  • etc.


As a steady, reliable partner for scientific societies, we provide comprehensive support for administrative secretarial tasks. Our services cover a multitude of tasks, including careful management of finances and members, as well as handling internal matters.

  • Managing company diaries, infrastructure and contact information
  • Scheduling for proper and timely fulfilment of the Executive Committee's duties
  • Financial management – statement of income/expenditure, preparing asset statements
  • Creating and sending invitations to meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, following instructions from the Board of Directors
  • Ongoing correspondence with the Board of Directors/Executive Committee, groups of experts, committees and members
  • Preparing the required documents for meetings (cash report, membership status, etc.)
  • Membership administration – maintaining and monitoring the database, invoicing, debt collection, posting membership fees
  • and much more...

Customer testimonials

This is what our satisfied customers say.

The PCO Tyrol Congress team

Experienced, authentic, professional.

We are a young, professional team – we are highly committed to achieving our mission and have connections all over the world. With us, you will have a strong partner by your side, striving to make your congress or conference a success. The key components of our work are respectful collaboration, openness and mutual trust. We look forward to meeting you!

PCO Tyrol Congress is a member of numerous international associations active in the congress sector. We have excellent networking connections both within Europe and overseas, as well first-rate contacts, and are able to quickly capitalise on our international experience. We also maintain long-standing partnerships with tourism associations, convention bureaus and other key players in the congress industry.

Sandra Raggl, BA
Project Management Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Anna Aigner, BA
Junior Project Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Antonia Hämmerle, BA
Project Assistance Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Kim Johannknecht
Project Assistance Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Martina Zlatkova, MA
Project Assistance Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Louisa Graf, BA (in Karenz)
Project Management Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Christina Waldhuber, BA (in Karenz)
Project Management Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress
Anna-Theresa Jenewein (in Karenz)
Project Management Congress Management – PCO Tyrol Congress

Are you planning a congress?

We will be happy to support you.

We look forward to hearing from you and discussing your plans with you. Let us know how and where we can support you. We remain at your disposal and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

 Telephone | +43 512 575600
Email | pco@cmi.at


  • Kardiologie Kongress Innsbruck
  • The London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures
  • Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie – ÖGN
  • Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Parkinson-Gesellschaft – ÖPG
  • Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Schilddrüsengesellschaft – OSDG
  • Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel – ÖGES
  • Update Gastro Stoffwechsel (venue management)
  • Innsbrucker Zahnprophylaxetage (venue management)
  • Psychoneuroimmunologie Kongress – PNI
CONGRESSES (extract)
  • 21st International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR 2023) | Innsbruck (2023)
  • 64. Kongress für Krankenhausmanagement | Innsbruck (2023)
  • 1. Österreichischer Bibliothekskongress | Innsbruck (2023)
  • 16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG16) | Innsbruck (2023)
  • Interalpin (housing) | Innsbruck (2023)
  • Dreiländertagung der Österreichischen, Deutschen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Gefäßchirurgie | Vienna (2022)
  • Bioblast (venue management) | Innsbruck (2022)
  • Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Gefäßchirurgie – ÖGG | Vienna (2022)
  • Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde – ÖGKJ | Salzburg (2021)
  • Green Risk 4 Alps | hybrid (2021)
  • 14. Weiterbildung zum ÖAK-Diplom Krankenhaushygiene | virtual (2021)
  • GA – 67th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research | Innsbruck (2019)
  • ESNCH – 24th Meeting of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics | Linz (2019)
  • Pneumologie Update | Igls (2019)
  • AUVA – Forum Prävention (venue management, housing) | Innsbruck (2018)
  • International Snow Science Workshop – ISSW | Innsbruck (2018)
  • EUSAlp General Assembly – EU Strategy for the Alps | Innsbruck (2018)
  • Gemeinsame Tagung der GKJR, API, DGfI (Pädiatrische Rheumatologie und Immunologie) | Innsbruck (2018)
  • ESTS Congress – European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery | Innsbruck (venue management, housing, 2017)


Special Terms and Conditions for PCO Services (GTC)
PDF: 26.68 KB
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